Day 23. Looped Live Code Editing

Day 23. Looped Live Code Editing
Video Length (including Q&A): 1h46

Welcome to “Handmade Hero Notes”, the book where we follow the footsteps of Handmade Hero in making the complete game from scratch, with no external libraries. If you'd like to follow along, preorder the game on, and you will receive access to the GitHub repository, containing complete source code (tagged day-by-day) as well as a variety of other useful resources.

Last time, we achieved instantaneous live code editing, allowing us to edit C code live, and recompile it without having to exit the program. That's already a great tool to help us on our journey.

Today we'll do something even cooler and more unique. At the very least, the technique you are about to learn is something that you don't often hear about; it has no big drawbacks and, as you will see, only great benefits.

Today we'll achieve looped live code editing.

Day 22 Day 24

Introduce the “Player”
  1.1  Adding Jumping
Define the Objective
  2.1  The Problem
  2.2  Do It Like the Musicians Do
Implement Live Loop
  3.1  Introduce the Platform State
  3.2  Outline Usage
  3.3  Input Recording
  3.4  Input Playback
Loop the Game State
Fix the “Jump” Code
Further Tweaks
  6.1  Make Game Window Topmost
  6.2  Make Game Window Semitransparent
Side Considerations
  8.1  Disable Sound


Introduce the “Player”

To better illustrate our objectives, let's add more complexity to our “gameplay” code. To be fair, we didn't start working on the game proper just yet, we want to finish cleaning up the platform layer first so that not to return to it for a great while. What we have in our platform-independent layer right now—a simple gradient and a sine wave sound—only serve to flesh out our platform layer.

Today's addition will be of no exception. We'll try a simulate the most simple “player” you can imagine: a small white square which can move based on the user's input. This will be completely throwaway code, something that you can write fast without thinking twice about!

All of the player code is temporary code for the purposes of finalizing our platform layer. Do not use any of it in your user-facing applications!

In order to draw such a player, we really only need two values: its X and Y coordinates every frame. These can be stored in our game_state so that the player's state is preserved.

struct game_state
    int ToneHz;
    int XOffset;
    int YOffset;
    f32 tSine;
int PlayerX; int PlayerY;
 Listing 1: [handmade.h] Introducing player by saving its position.

Our player should start at some point. It will be a completely arbitrary point, let's say (100,100). We'll throw it in together with the rest of the game_state initialization code.

    // ...
    GameState->ToneHz = 256;
GameState->PlayerX = 100; GameState->PlayerY = 100;
Memory->IsInitialized = true; }
 Listing 2: [handmade.cpp > GameUpdateAndRender] Setting up “player” starting location.

To control the player, we'll use the values of our Controllers. Input from the X axis of the stick will translate directly into the player's X coordinate, while the Y axis should be inverted first (because otherwise player would go in the opposite sense). We'll also multiply both values by 4 so that the movement is a bit faster.

for (int ControllerIndex = 0;
     ControllerIndex < ArrayCount(Input->Controllers);
    // ...
        GameState->YOffset += 1;
GameState->PlayerX += (int)(4.0f * Controller->StickAverageX); GameState->PlayerY -= (int)(4.0f * Controller->StickAverageY);
 Listing 3: [handmade.cpp > GameUpdateAndRender] Controlling player movement.

As of right now, player is just that: two numbers inside the game's data. We don't have anything to visualize it with just yet, no red hat or green shield, so let's just make it happen! We'll add a simple rendering code.

We can imagine that, in order to render our player, we'll need to loop over several pixels vertically and several pixels horizontally and paint each pixel of a different color.

We'll call this code immediately after drawing our gradient (not before because otherwise it will be overwritten!).

internal void
RenderWeirdGradient(game_offscreen_buffer *Buffer, int XOffset, int YOffset)
    // ...
internal void RenderPlayer(game_offscreen_buffer *Buffer, int PlayerX, int PlayerY) { for (int X = Left; X < Right; ++X) { for (int Y = Top; Y < Bottom; ++Y) { // Paint the pixel at the X, Y coordinates } } }
GAME_UPDATE_AND_RENDER(GameUpdateAndRender) { // ... RenderWeirdGradient(Buffer, GameState->XOffset, GameState->YOffset);
RenderPlayer(Buffer, GameState->PlayerX, GameState->PlayerY);
 Listing 4: [handmade.cpp] Adding player rendering code.

So, what do we need to render our player? We're essentially drawing a single-tinted square, soo...


 Figure 1: In order to draw the player we need to iterate on each pixel inside this square.

u32 Color = 0xFFFFFFFF; int Left = PlayerX; int Right = PlayerX + 10; int Top = PlayerY; int Bottom = PlayerY + 10;
for (int X = Left; X < Right; ++X) { for (int Y = Top; Y < Bottom; ++Y) { // Paint the pixel at the X, Y coordinates } }
 Listing 5: [handmade.cpp > RenderPlayer] Calculating the color and the player margins.

Now comes the tricky part: Finding these pixels inside our buffer memory. Unlike in RenderWeirdGradient, we don't want to repaint the whole buffer, we only want to edit memory in that specific 10×10 area. That means that, each time we go on a new iteration of the X loop, we recalculate our Pixel position from scratch as follows:

When we are iterating on Y values, we'll simply paint the pixel and then move down by Pitch until we reach Bottom.

for (int X = Left;
        X < Right;
u8 *Pixel = ((u8 *)Buffer->Memory + X * Buffer->BytesPerPixel + Top * Buffer->Pitch);
for (int Y = Top; Y < Bottom; ++Y) {
*(u32 *)Pixel = Color; Pixel += Buffer->Pitch;
} }
 Listing 6: [handmade.cpp > RenderPlayer] Accessing and painting the pixels.

There's just one small problem with this. Currently, we don't store BytesPerPixel as a part of game_offscreen_buffer structure. But it's a very quick fix that we can add in right away:

struct game_offscreen_buffer
    void *Memory;
    int Width;
    int Height;
    int Pitch;
int BytesPerPixel;
 Listing 7: [handmade.h] Expanding game render buffer structure.

We can simply initialize BytesPerPixel from the platform backbuffer's BytesPerPixel (because we already store it there):

game_offscreen_buffer Buffer = {};
Buffer.Memory = GlobalBackbuffer.Memory;
Buffer.Width = GlobalBackbuffer.Width;
Buffer.Height = GlobalBackbuffer.Height;
Buffer.Pitch = GlobalBackbuffer.Pitch;
Buffer.BytesPerPixel = GlobalBackbuffer.BytesPerPixel;
Game.UpdateAndRender(&GameMemory, NewInput, &Buffer);
 Listing 8: [win32_handmade.cpp > WinMain] Initializing BytesPerPixel value.

Great! Now we can compile and have a player to control.

 Figure 2: Our first player.

If you don't have a controller, you can setup keyboard controls in the following manner:

if (!GlobalPause)
if (NewKeyboardController->MoveUp.EndedDown) { NewKeyboardController->StickAverageY = 1.0f; } if (NewKeyboardController->MoveDown.EndedDown) { NewKeyboardController->StickAverageY = -1.0f; } if (NewKeyboardController->MoveLeft.EndedDown) { NewKeyboardController->StickAverageX = -1.0f; } if (NewKeyboardController->MoveRight.EndedDown) { NewKeyboardController->StickAverageX = 1.0f; }
DWORD MaxControllerCount = XUSER_MAX_COUNT; if(MaxControllerCount > (ArrayCount(NewInput->Controllers) - 1)) { MaxControllerCount = (ArrayCount(NewInput->Controllers) - 1); } // ... }
 Listing 9: [win32_handmade.cpp > WinMain] Capturing keyboard input for movement.

One last thing, we'll crash any time we hit the top or the bottom of the screen: these pixels are simply out of reach. Let's quickly prevent it from happening. We'll need to calculate the end of buffer value and make sure that the pixel we're accessing is never at the end of buffer or before the beginning of the memory.

u8 *EndOfBuffer = (u8 *)Buffer->Memory + Buffer->Pitch * Buffer->Height;
u32 Color = 0xFFFFFFFF; int Top = PlayerY; int Bottom = PlayerY + 10; for (int X = PlayerX; X < PlayerX + 10; ++X) { u8 *Pixel = ((u8 *)Buffer->Memory + X * Buffer->BytesPerPixel + Top * Buffer->Pitch); for (int Y = Top; Y < Bottom; ++Y) {
if ((Pixel >= Buffer->Memory) && (Pixel < EndOfBuffer)) {
*(u32 *)Pixel = Color; Pixel += Buffer->Pitch;
} }
 Listing 10: [handmade.cpp > RenderPlayer] We simply skip the pixels out of bounds.

Adding Jumping

One last thing before we arrive to the topic of the day.

Let's assume that our “character” jumps whenever we hit ActionDown button (arrow down on keyboard). We currently use this button to control the YOffset, so let's repurpose it.

if(Controller->ActionDown.EndedDown) { GameState->YOffset += 1; }
GameState->PlayerX += (int)(4.0f * Controller->StickAverageX); GameState->PlayerY -= (int)(4.0f * Controller->StickAverageY);
if(Controller->ActionDown.EndedDown) { GameState->PlayerY -= 10; }
 Listing 11: [handmade.cpp > GameUpdateAndRender] Adding our first jump!

 Figure 3: Our first jump?

Ok, this isn't good, like it's not even “terrible”, it's completely unusable. Our character won't even fall down! Maybe that's too much. We can very quickly hack in a simple jumping code based on a sine wave. We'll need to add another persistent element to our GameState. This element will track the current state of the jump:

struct game_state
    int ToneHz;
    int XOffset;
    int YOffset;
    f32 tSine;
    int PlayerX;
    int PlayerY;
f32 tJump;
 Listing 12: [handmade.h] tJump is a magic value. Don't use magic values for physics.

Now we can implement the jumping logic. After the initial impulse, tJump's value will gradually decrease every frame. We'll then pass this value through the sine function which will determine the desired offset.

GameState->PlayerY -= (int)(4.0f * Controller->StickAverageY + 10.0f * sinf(GameState->tJump));
if(Controller->ActionDown.EndedDown) {
GameState->tJump = 1.0;
GameState->tJump -= 0.033f;
 Listing 13: [handmade.cpp > GameUpdateAndRender] Our character's jump is now governed by a sine wave.

Define the Objective


The Problem

Now this player code still has flaws. There's nothing stopping us from having a new jump while we're “in the air”; besides, our character still doesn't fall down. (And you never, ever, should base your character movement on sine waves).

So let's say we want to go in and fine-tune our jumping algorithm. We already have tools which allow us to leave the game running, we can go back to the code saying “we will only modify tJump if it's above 0":

GameState->PlayerY -= (int)(4.0f * Controller->StickAverageY);
if (GameState->tJump > 0) { GameState->PlayerY += (int)(10.0f * sinf(GameState->tJump)); }
if(Controller->ActionDown.EndedDown) { GameState->tJump = 1.0; } GameState->tJump -= 0.033f;
 Listing 14: [handmade.cpp > GameUpdateAndRender] Making sure there're no double-jumps.

For instance, after the previous edit we can see that now the “jump” happens downwards instead of upwards (because of the phase of the sine wave). So we flip back to the editor, flip the sign, recompile, go back to the game and retest:

if (GameState->tJump > 0)
GameState->PlayerY -= (int)(10.0f * sinf(GameState->tJump));
 Listing 15: [handmade.cpp > GameUpdateAndRender] Tweak, recompile, and retest.

Hopefully you can see where we're getting at: there's a whole process that we need to keep repeating for testing our changes: and it's just a simple jump tuning! Yet we still need to think about falling down, the amplitude, etc.

Fine-tuning is a potentially a complex and lengthy process, and we want to make it as smooth as possible. In our case, we already can leave the game running, recompile on the fly and continue editing, yet we still need to pick up our controller again and do the jump to test. This is how it looks now:

  1. Go into the game, find out what you need to tune.
  2. Implement the change in your code
  3. Recompile.
  4. Switch back to the game.
  5. Repeat the action to see whether it was fixed.

Picking up the controller and pressing a couple buttons may be tedious enough, but in a grand scheme of things it's a trivial situation. Imagine that you have to fine-tune something you can't easily replicate in one go, say, death animation of an enemy. You kill the enemy, and now he's gone, so you need to wait for him to respawn, or spawn a new one, or go find a new enemy... These are all the annoyances that you need to think about...


Do It Like the Musicians Do

Why not do it the way the musicians edit their music? Any serious music writing software allows you to write the notes, which will then be automatically reproduced for you, potentially on a loop. You can then go in, implement a quick fix, and go out.

What we're thinking about is a sort of a looped editor, where one can go and record a specific situation: input, world state, everything. After that, the game would be repeating the same action again and again, allowing us to work on it in the meantime.

This might be a daunting idea to face but it turns out it's not that bad! The way we set up our game, implementing such a feature would be quite easy. Setting sound aside for a moment, we only have one function to call: GameUpdateAndRender. This function takes whatever the state of the game memory is, it takes the input from the user, and a buffer to draw its result in. That's it!

So what if we remember whatever our input was? We could then pass it back to the game, the way we did it. By walking down this road, you can imagine setting up a structure to store the input for us. Since we'd be recording input for potentially more than one frame, we'd have an “input stream” containing input events for each frame and an “input count” saying how many of those events did we record.

struct win32_recorded_input
    int InputCount;
    game_input *InputStream;
Hypothetical recorded input structure.

Further still, we know how to read or write files, so we can even potentially preserve these states between sessions! In such case we won't even need any structures to hold additional information for us, we can access such a stream on the fly.

That is what we're going to do. We'll have all the input data stored in a separate file that, once requested, will be fed back to the game as if it were actual user input.


Implement Live Loop


Introduce the Platform State

To get ourselves started, let's define two simple numbers: a recording index and a playing index. These (for now) will serve as the triggers: if the recording index is not zero, we'll do the recording, if the playing index is not zero, we'll start the playback.

We can define these inside our WinMain as follows:

HDC DeviceContext = GetDC(Window);
int InputRecordingIndex = 0; int InputPlayingIndex = 0;
// NOTE(casey): Sound test
 Listing 16: [win32_handmade.cpp > WinMain] Introducing recording and playing indexes.

Even further still, we could package these inside a structure. At this point, we can introduce a structure similar to game_state, a platform-specific struct where we can store all sorts of useful data. It will contain things that wouldn't make sense agglomerating elsewhere, and we can pass it around wherever we want. For Windows platform layer, we'll call this structure win32_state, but you can imagine us eventually having eventually linux_state, macos_state, etc.

Let's define this structure inside win32_handmade.h:

struct win32_recorded_input
    int InputCount;
    game_input *InputStream;
struct win32_state { int InputRecordingIndex; int InputPlayingIndex; };
#define WIN32_HANDMADE_H #endif
 Listing 17: [win32_handmade.h] Introducing win32_state.

This structure can then be initialized inside our WinMain on startup.

HDC DeviceContext = GetDC(Window);
win32_state Win32State = {};
Win32State.InputRecordingIndex = 0; Win32State.InputPlayingIndex = 0;
// NOTE(casey): Sound test
 Listing 18: [win32_handmade.cpp > WinMain] Initializing win32_state.

Having a single state struct allows us to pass its arguments with ease. In our case, we can send the indexes to the keyboard processing function. If the user presses a key, let's say L for “loop”, we can toggle the states as necessary. If we don't do anything, we start recording, if we're already recording, we will stop recording and start playback.

internal void
Win32ProcessPendingMessages(win32_state *State, game_controller_input *KeyboardController)
{ // ... #if HANDMADE_INTERNAL else if (VKCode == 'P') { if (IsDown) { GlobalPause = !GlobalPause; } }
else if (VKCode == 'L') { if (IsDown) { if (State->InputRecordingIndex == 0) { State->InputRecordingIndex = 1; } else { State->InputRecordingIndex = 0; State->InputPlayingIndex = 1; } } }
#endif // ... } int CALLBACK WinMain(...) { // ... *NewKeyboardController = {}; NewKeyboardController->IsConnected = true; NewKeyboardController->IsAnalog = false; for (...) { // ... }
Win32ProcessPendingMessages(&Win32State, NewKeyboardController);
// ... }
 Listing 19: [win32_handmade.cpp] Using win32_state to toggle recording and playback indexes.

Outline Usage

Now that we can get from the user the commands to start looped recording or playback, let's think about how we can actually make it happen.

Supposedly, just before the Game.UpdateAndRender() call we introduce a couple functions that operate on the following logic:

These functions would get the platform state and the user's input. For recording, the input would be stored on an external file. For the playback, whatever user's input was will be flat-out replaced by the saved version.

In code, this will look roughly this way:

game_offscreen_buffer Buffer = {};
Buffer.Memory = GlobalBackbuffer.Memory;
Buffer.Width = GlobalBackbuffer.Width;
Buffer.Height = GlobalBackbuffer.Height;
Buffer.Pitch = GlobalBackbuffer.Pitch;
Buffer.BytesPerPixel = GlobalBackbuffer.BytesPerPixel;
if (Win32State.InputRecordingIndex) { Win32RecordInput(&Win32State, NewInput); } if (Win32State.InputPlayingIndex) { Win32PlaybackInput(&Win32State, NewInput); }
Game.UpdateAndRender(&GameMemory, NewInput, &Buffer);
 Listing 20: [win32_handmade.cpp > WinMain] Sketching out usage.

Well, the only thing remaining now is dive in and actually make it happen.


Input Recording

As we said, we want to save user input on disk. If we look at the DEBUGPlatformWriteEntireFile function, you'll notice that, roughly said, a write process happens in three steps:

  1. File handle is opened for given filename.
  2. Data is written.
  3. File handle is closed.

That said, we don't have to open and close the file right ahead. Furthermore, every subsequent write will add data after whatever we've written before while the handle is open. All of this is awfully convenient for our purposes, so what we really need is to split input recording into three functions:

Let's start from the simplest one: Writing input. Provided a file handle, we simply write our input to it and call it a day. We won't even check if the file handle is valid, since it's all debug code.

This is how the output function looks like:

internal void Win32RecordInput(win32_state *State, game_input *Input) { DWORD BytesWritten; WriteFile(State->RecordingHandle, Input, sizeof(*Input), &BytesWritten, 0); }
internal void Win32ProcessPendingMessages(...)
 Listing 21: [win32_handmade.cpp] Implementing Win32RecordInput.

And that's all there's to the actual recording. WriteFile takes five parameters:

So from all of this we are only missing our file handle. Let's first add it to win32_state. While we're at it, let's also add the PlaybackHandle which will become handy for playback.

struct win32_state
    HANDLE RecordingHandle;
    int InputRecordingIndex;

    HANDLE PlaybackHandle;
    int InputPlayingIndex;
 Listing 22: [win32_handmade.h] Adding Recording and Playback file handles.

To open and close the recording file handle, we can simply reuse the code we have already. We don't care about the file name for now, let's have it as foo.hmi, .hmi standing for “Handmade Input`.

Another thing that we'll do is to delegate setting of the recording index to these functions. This is less error-prone, and will come in handy when we will use these functions.

internal void Win32BeginRecordingInput(win32_state *State, int InputRecordingIndex) { State->InputRecordingIndex = InputRecordingIndex; char *Filename = "foo.hmi"; State->RecordingHandle = CreateFileA(Filename, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 0, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, 0); } internal void Win32EndRecordingInput(win32_state *State) { CloseHandle(State->RecordingHandle); State->InputRecordingIndex = 0; }
internal void Win32RecordInput(...) // ...
 Listing 23: [win32_handmade.cpp] Defining Win32BeginRecordingInput and Win32EndRecordingInput.

At this point, we can replace the code we've written before inside Win32ProcessPendingMessages and, instead of defining indexes ourselves, call the newly defined functions.

else if (VKCode == 'L')
    if (IsDown)
        if (State->InputRecordingIndex == 0)
Win32BeginRecordingInput(Win32State, 1);
} else {
Win32EndRecordingInput(Win32State); Win32BeginInputPlayback(Win32State, 1);
} } }
 Listing 24: [win32_handmade.cpp > Win32ProcessPendingMessages] Using begin and end recording functions.

We don't have Win32BeginInputPlayback just yet, so let's make it happen right away!


Input Playback

For what it might concern the playback (or PlayBack if you prefer it), we will mostly mirror the same setup:

We have already added PlaybackHandle to win32_state anticipating this movement, let's go ahead and write the rest of code.

Functions for begin and end playback should be fairly straightforward. We will set the InputPlaybackIndex, open or close the file handle as necessary.

internal void 
    // ... 
internal void Win32BeginInputPlayback(win32_state *State, int InputPlaybackIndex) { State->InputPlaybackIndex = InputPlaybackIndex; char *Filename = "foo.hmi"; State->PlaybackHandle = CreateFileA(Filename, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); } internal void Win32EndInputPlayback(win32_state *State) { CloseHandle(State->PlaybackHandle); State->InputPlayingIndex = 0; } internal void Win32PlaybackInput(win32_state *State, game_input *Input) { }
 Listing 25: [win32_handmade.cpp] Writing playback functions.

As for Win32PlaybackInput, there's more complexity involved. The simplest solution is:

internal void 
Win32PlaybackInput(win32_state *State, game_input *Input)
DWORD BytesRead; if (ReadFile(State->PlaybackHandle, Input, sizeof (*Input), &BytesRead, 0)) { int PlayingIndex = State->InputPlayingIndex; Win32EndInputPlayback(Win32State); Win32BeginInputPlayback(Win32State, PlayingIndex); }
 Listing 26: [win32_handmade.cpp] Defining Win32PlaybackInput.

This is a valid solution if we only need to register a single frame's Input event. However this is not the case; we want to read the whole recorded sequence. What we really need is this logic:

DWORD BytesRead;
if (ReadFile(State->PlaybackHandle, Input, sizeof (*Input), &BytesRead, 0))
// NOTE(casey): There's still input } else { // NOTE(casey): We've hit the end of the stream, go back to the beginning
int PlayingIndex = State->InputPlayingIndex; Win32EndInputPlayback(Win32State); Win32BeginInputPlayback(Win32State, PlayingIndex); }
 Listing 27: [win32_handmade.cpp > Win32PlaybackInput] Making sure that all the recorded input is played before restarting.

Let's compile, run, and see in the debugger what's going on.

  1. At the beginning of WinMain, Win32State is reset successfully.
  2. When we press L, and the recording starts: InputRecordingIndex is changed to 1, and the RecordingHandle is not 0.
  3. You can run around with your player, do a couple jumps.
  4. Once you press L again, you'll see that the player repeats the whole sequence.

There's still one last bug lurking around. You'll notice that we don't loop properly. After the first playback loop is completed, it should return to the beginning and restart playback from scratch.

What's going on? Let's re-examine Win32PlaybackInput:

internal void 
Win32PlaybackInput(win32_state *State, game_input *Input)
    DWORD BytesRead;
    if (ReadFile(State->PlaybackHandle, Input, sizeof (*Input), &BytesRead, 0))
        // NOTE(casey): There's still input
        // NOTE(casey): We've hit the end of the stream, go back to the beginning
        int PlayingIndex = State->InputPlayingIndex;
        Win32BeginInputPlayback(Win32State, PlayingIndex);

Ok, seems like we didn't check the documentation here. We are checking whether or not ReadFile returns 0. Our expectation was that 0 (or FALSE) would be returned if ReadFile read less 0 bytes. However, the documentation claims that the function only returns 0 if the read failed completely (for instance, if the file handle wasn't open) so it's not not our case.

We need to refactor this code to look at the bytes read instead. If we our BytesRead is 0, we'll restart from the beginning. We still want to see whether ReadFile succeeded, just to be sure.

While we're at it, we might also fix another inaccuracy: when we restart our read, we still want to read the first input in the sequence. Otherwise one frame would be skipped entirely, something that might cause unexpected troubles.

internal void 
Win32PlaybackInput(win32_state *State, game_input *Input)
    DWORD BytesRead = 0;
    if(ReadFile(State->PlaybackHandle, Input, sizeof(*Input), &BytesRead, 0))
// NOTE(casey): There's still input } else {
if(BytesRead == 0) {
// NOTE(casey): We've hit the end of the stream, go back to the beginning int PlayingIndex = State->InputPlayingIndex; Win32EndInputPlayback(Win32State); Win32BeginInputPlayback(Win32State, PlayingIndex);
ReadFile(State->PlaybackHandle, Input, sizeof(*Input), &BytesRead, 0); }
} }
 Listing 28: [win32_handmade.cpp] Fixing looping issue.

Loop the Game State

There's one last piece of the puzzle missing. If we wanted to save the whole state of the game... guess what? We've architectured our code in the specific manner allowing this with ease. It's going to take a huge amount of space on your disk drive but it's doable!

As you remember, we VirtualAlloc'ed the entire memory block used by the game to the known base address (address to which the memory pointer is pointing to — the result of VirtualAlloc). So if we want to restore the state of the game at that time, we simply need to save and load that block. That's it. Just a couple lines of code, without the need of a full-blown serialization layer, big walking changes of things (to check what changed or not). Even further than that, having a known base address means that all the pointers within that memory block will remain valid!

So how exactly do we make it happen? You will be shocked how little of a change to our code is required.

First of all, let's move the references to our game memory to win32_state. It's only a single pointer and the size.

struct win32_state
u64 TotalSize; void *GameMemoryBlock;
HANDLE RecordingHandle; int InputRecordingIndex; HANDLE PlaybackHandle; int InputPlayingIndex; };
 Listing 29: [win32_handmade.h] Expanding win32_state.

To use it, we simply move TotalStorageSize and GameMemoryBlock to Win32State. Make sure that the Win32State initialization is above GameMemory initialization inside your WinMain!

win32_state Win32State = {};

// ... 

game_memory GameMemory = {};
GameMemory.PermanentStorageSize = Megabytes(64);
GameMemory.TransientStorageSize = Gigabytes(1);
GameMemory.DEBUGPlatformFreeFileMemory = DEBUGPlatformFreeFileMemory;
GameMemory.DEBUGPlatformReadEntireFile = DEBUGPlatformReadEntireFile;
GameMemory.DEBUGPlatformWriteEntireFile = DEBUGPlatformWriteEntireFile;
Win32State.TotalSize = (GameMemory.PermanentStorageSize + GameMemory.TransientStorageSize); Win32State.GameMemoryBlock = VirtualAlloc(BaseAddress, (size_t)Win32State.TotalSize,
GameMemory.PermanentStorage = Win32State.GameMemoryBlock;
GameMemory.TransientStorage = ((u8 *)GameMemory.PermanentStorage + GameMemory.PermanentStorageSize);
 Listing 30: [win32_handmade.cpp > WinMain] Storing the pointer to the game memory inside Win32State.

So far, there's no change to the output of our program. We simply moved the location of our game memory block to access it easier. Now let's actually make the change.

Inside Win32BeginRecordingIndex (which already has access to Win32State) we will attempt to write the whole GameMemoryBlock (i.e. whatever its TotalSize is).

We need to be careful about that because our GameMemoryBlock can eventually exceed 4GB of data (since we already request a bit more than 1GB), and WriteFile cannot write more than 4GB at a time. We can go around this issue for now by casting our TotalSize to a 32-bit DWORD and immediately assert that the resulting value is the same as TotalSize.

State->InputRecordingIndex = InputRecordingIndex;
char *Filename = "foo.hmi";
State->RecordingHandle = CreateFileA(Filename, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 0, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, 0);
DWORD BytesToWrite = (DWORD)State->TotalSize; Assert(State->TotalSize == BytesToWrite); DWORD BytesWritten; WriteFile(State->RecordingHandle, State->GameMemoryBlock, BytesToWrite, &BytesWritten, 0);
 Listing 31: [win32_handmade.cpp > Win32BeginRecordingInput] Recording the whole of game memory.

Conversely, whenever we want to start our playback, we want to load whatever the game's state was. It looks exactly the same way as the recording, except we use ReadFile instead of WriteFile:

State->InputPlayingIndex = InputPlayingIndex;

char *Filename = "foo.hmi";
State->PlaybackHandle = CreateFileA(Filename, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0);
DWORD BytesToRead = (DWORD)State->TotalSize; Assert(State->TotalSize == BytesToRead); DWORD BytesRead; ReadFile(State->PlaybackHandle, State->GameMemoryBlock, BytesToRead, &BytesRead, 0);
 Listing 32: [win32_handmade.cpp > Win32BeginInputPlayback] Restoring the saved game memory.

That's it. That's really all there's to it. This is absolutely amazing. Isn't programming great?


Fix the “Jump” Code

Now you'll see how simple it is to edit code on the fly. To test our newfound ability, let's go back to our “totally accurate” jump code and try to fix it just a little bit. This is the state of it right now.

if (GameState->tJump > 0)
    GameState->PlayerY -= (int)(10.0f * sinf(GameState->tJump));
    GameState->tJump = 1.0f;
GameState->tJump -= 0.033f;

The way we approach this will be the following:

  1. Run the game.
  2. Start recording (press L)
  3. Make the player run and do a single jump
  4. Stop recording (press L again). The player should repeat the little run and jump ad infinitum, allowing you to:
    • Make the tweak
    • Recompile the code (hopefully you have setup a keyboard shortcut to compile by now?)
    • See the change
    • Make the tweak....

 Figure 4: Looped Live Code Editing.

Well, first of all, we'd like for the player to return down. If we continue by our current logic and use the sine function, we'd say that there should be Pi period involved.

GameState->PlayerY -= (int)(10.0f * sinf(Pi32 * GameState->tJump));
 Listing 33: [handmade.cpp > GameUpdateAndRender] And recompile.

Ok, that did nothing. Maybe we should do the full period, 2Pi?

GameState->PlayerY -= (int)(10.0f * sinf(2.0f * Pi32 * GameState->tJump));
 Listing 34: [handmade.cpp > GameUpdateAndRender] And recompile.

Now the “jump” works but in the opposite sense, because we're subtracting from player's position. Let's increase instead:

GameState->PlayerY += (int)(10.0f * sinf(2.0f * Pi32 * GameState->tJump));
 Listing 35: [handmade.cpp > GameUpdateAndRender] And recompile.

Ok, this seems to work, let's increase the jump by 2.0f instead of 1.0f when we hit jump:

if (GameState->tJump > 0)
GameState->PlayerY += (int)(10.0f * sinf(Pi32 * GameState->tJump));
} if(Controller->ActionDown.EndedDown) {
GameState->tJump = 2.0f;
} GameState->tJump -= 0.033f;
 Listing 36: [handmade.cpp > GameUpdateAndRender] And recompile.

Maybe we want this jump to take a little bit longer.. then we'd increase tJump while lowering sine angle.

if (GameState->tJump > 0)
GameState->PlayerY += (int)(10.0f * sinf(0.5f * Pi32 * GameState->tJump));
} if(Controller->ActionDown.EndedDown) {
GameState->tJump = 4.0f;
} GameState->tJump -= 0.033f;
 Listing 37: [handmade.cpp > GameUpdateAndRender] And recompile.

Yeah, this seems reasonable. Please don't use this jump implementation, that's not how you should do jumps.


Further Tweaks

As usual, you can make it so that the game helps you develop it even more.


Make Game Window Topmost

One of the tweaks is the possibility of setting up your window to be always on top by passing the flag WS_EX_TOPMOST when the window is created.

HWND Window = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_TOPMOST,
 Listing 38: [win32_handmade.cpp > WinMain] As easy as changing one flag.

Make Game Window Semitransparent

Another cool trick is that you can even make the window semitransparent, so you can continue editing the code below.

One limitation of these so-called “layered” windows is that they cannot have an own or class device context. We do have Own DC but luckily we don't use it that much. We can easily get rid of it.

WindowClass.lpfnWndProc = Win32MainWindowCallback; WindowClass.hInstance = Instance; // WindowClass.hIcon; WindowClass.lpszClassName = "HandmadeHeroWindowClass";
 Listing 39: [win32_handmade.cpp > WinMain] Removing CS_OWNDC.

There's only one place we use a DC: when we're rendering our buffer. We can request one and release it then.

if (Window)
// NOTE(casey): Since we specified CS_OWNDC, we can just // get one device context and use it forever because we // are not sharing it with anyone. HDC DeviceContext = GetDC(Window);
win32_state Win32State = {}; Win32State.InputRecordingIndex = 0; Win32State.InputPlayingIndex = 0; // ...
HDC DeviceContext = GetDC(Window);
Win32DisplayBufferInWindow(&GlobalBackbuffer, DeviceContext, Dimension.Width, Dimension.Height);
ReleaseDC(Window, DeviceContext);
// ... }
 Listing 40: [win32_handmade.cpp > WinMain] Requesting a device context every time we render the window.

So far, we see no changes to the output of our program. But now we can actually implement a layered window. This is achieved in two steps. First, we need to declare that our window will be layered, we can do it when we create it:

 Listing 41: [win32_handmade.cpp > WinMain] .

Next, we need to configure how this layered-ness will be. This is achieved by calling the SetLayeredWindowAttributes function. We want our Window to be exactly semi-transparent.

SetLayeredWindowAttributes requires us to pass the following parameters:

This function is better called by Windows directly. Whenever we receive WM_ACTIVATEAPP message, our MainWindowCallback will set the layered attributes.

SetLayeredWindowAttributes(Window, RGB(0, 0, 0), 128, LWA_ALPHA);
} break;
 Listing 42: [win32_handmade.cpp > Win32MainWindowCallback] .

Here, if we want to be extra fancy, we can check if the window is active or not. WParam is set to TRUE if the window is currently focused, and to FALSE if it's not. Let's leverage this knowledge to make our window completely opaque when we're focused on it:

if (WParam == TRUE) { SetLayeredWindowAttributes(Window, RGB(0, 0, 0), 255, LWA_ALPHA); } else {
SetLayeredWindowAttributes(Window, RGB(0, 0, 0), 64, LWA_ALPHA);
} } break;
 Listing 43: [win32_handmade.cpp > Win32MainWindowCallback] .

If you'd like to read more about layered windows, head over to this quick guide or this, more extensive, article.

There's more to it, like allowing mouse click-through, but we'll get to it next time (or you can try and implement it yourself!).



What we did today cannot be praised enough. We've done input recording in no time and even have more time for extra fanciness. Yet there was an entire company dedicated to input recording once, and it's not something you see used a lot because it's deemed “too complex to implement”.

There's so much more to do to make our platform layer a better development environment. We could make an middle platform layer to make our tools cross-platform, we could continue adding special functionality... and one day we might. But so far, in the past 23 days, we focused only on the platform layer, and not at all on the game. So the next two days we'll dedicate to the final cleanups: fixing hidden bugs, moving things around, final testing.


Side Considerations


Disable Sound

If you want to disable sound, you can do it by simply setting the sample value to 0. You can hard-code it or, since we'd like to return to our sound code one last time in the future, we will #if 0 the exiting part out.

#if 0
f32 SineValue = sinf(GameState->tSine); s16 SampleValue = (s16)(SineValue * ToneVolume);
#else s16 SampleValue = 0; #endif
 Listing 44: [handmade.cpp > GameOutputSound] Disabling sound.


Previous: Day 22. Instantaneous Live Code Editing

Up Next: Day 24. Win32 Platform Layer Cleanup

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formatted by Markdeep 1.13