Day 2. Opening a Win32 Window

Day 2. Opening a Win32 Window
Video Length: 1h00

Welcome to “Handmade Hero Notes”, the book where we follow the footsteps of Handmade Hero in making the complete game from scratch, with no external libraries. If you'd like to follow along, preorder the game on, and you will receive access to the GitHub repository, containing complete source code (tagged day-by-day) as well as a variety of other useful resources.

Last time, we set up our dev environment allowing us to launch our text editor (we showcased 4coder and Visual Studio Code). We then created a simple Win32 application launching a modest message box. We made a “make file” for it, just batch file compiling something directly into the build directory. We then learned how to launch the debugger (RemedyBG or Visual Studio), with some simple actions like stepping into our code.

But a message box is not a very useful thing for a game to pop up; in fact, if you ever see one pop up in a game, this usually means that the game has encountered a very serious error, and it's not something you'd ever want to have. What we'll try to do is to open a window which is a bit more useful.

The window that we are going to open is a basic Windows one. All the programs go through a specific path for opening a window, and we're going to follow that path as well, for a while. But shortly after we are going to create a special buffer in memory which we can write to ourselves, do all the rendering into and, once we're ready, display in the window.

This is not exactly how a modern game would start up. Modern games pretty much exclusively let the graphics card do their work for them. While we will eventually get there, it's not a very good start for educational purposes. Unfortunately, the GPU is a pretty opaque resource where we have a very limited insight into what it's doing to render graphics for our game.

Day 1 Day 3

Window Class
  1.1  WNDCLASSA Implementation
    1.1.1  WindowClass Values Before and After Initialization
    1.1.2  Filling out the WindowClass
    1.1.3  Window Class Style
Main Window Callback
  2.1  Refactoring: Rename Variables
  2.2  Process Some Messages
  2.3  Get a Result
Register the WindowClass
Create a Window
  4.1  Window Message Queue
  4.2  Translating and Dispatching Messages
Drawing Something to Our Window
  5.1  “Animating” the Window
  7.1  Intercept More Messages
  7.2  Custom Window Options
Programming Basics
  8.1  Concerning typedefs
  8.2  Struct Initialization
  8.3  Switch Statements
  8.4  Pointers
  8.5  Loops


Window Class

From the earliest days of Windows, to start out opening your windows you had to declare and register a Window Class (i.e. WNDCLASS). If we open up MSDN, we can quickly find the relevant article (in this case, we need a simple WNDCLASSA structure1). This is how it looks:

typedef struct tagWNDCLASSA {
  UINT      style;
  WNDPROC   lpfnWndProc;
  int       cbClsExtra;
  int       cbWndExtra;
  HINSTANCE hInstance;
  HICON     hIcon;
  HCURSOR   hCursor;
  HBRUSH    hbrBackground;
  LPCSTR    lpszMenuName;
  LPCSTR    lpszClassName;
[MSDN] Window Class structure syntax.

If you're unfamiliar with the Windows' way of decorating its structs and functions, it might look quite scary! Don't worry about it too much though. And, if you'd like to learn more about what this all means, we dive deeper in Subsection 8.1.


WNDCLASSA Implementation

We now have our WNDCLASSA that we want to define in our program. This is a recurring pattern in the Win32 API: In order to do some function you need to:

  1. Create a struct.
  2. Fill it out with as desired.
  3. Call a function with this struct as a parameter.

The struct therefore serves as a parameter list to the function you are calling, a set of informational variables to communicate to a function when you call it2. Let's do just that:

MessageBoxA(0, "This is Handmade Hero.", "Handmade Hero", MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OK);
WNDCLASSA WindowClass = {};
return (0);
 Listing 1: [win32_handmade.cpp] Defining our WNDCLASSA.

You will note that we added a couple of braces ({}). This allows us to initialize the whole struct to 0. For more information, read Struct Initialization subsection.


WindowClass Values Before and After Initialization

Let's see what's going on in here, under the hood. Compile your program and head out to the debugger.

In RemedyBG or Visual Studio debugger, if you press F9 next to your WindowClass declaration, you'll see a red circle appearing next to the line. This means you set up a breakpoint: a point where the program will stop and let you inspect its state. You then should find your Watch window and type in the name of your WindowClass structure.

If you did everything correctly, once you run the program (F5) it should halt at the line you highlighted, and the current value of WindowClass appear in your Watch window:

 Figure 1: Inspecting WindowClass

As you can see, the values are completely random. This is because the program actually stops before the line is executed, and the values in WindowClass are garbage. You wouldn't want to pass this struct to any function! But if you hit F11 once to step over this line, you will notice that all the values in the struct have been cleared to 0 (which is what we wanted):

 Figure 2: Inspecting WindowClass

Zero Is Initialization

Unless the code is in a performance-critical area, it is a good practice to apply the so-called Zero is Initialization principle. For most of the code we won't be using any constructors or other advanced initialization techniques of C++. As long as it was cleared to zero, most structures would work fine moving forward.

This is quite different from a C++ model where everything has a constructor, and there's a lot of things happening at the start of the life of a variable.

In a performance-critical area, even the “initialize to zero” step are to be skipped. The variables will be immediately initialized with specific values.


Filling out the WindowClass

Let's look back at the members of our WindowClass:

UINT      style;
WNDPROC   lpfnWndProc;
int       cbClsExtra;
int       cbWndExtra;
HINSTANCE hInstance;
HICON     hIcon;
HCURSOR   hCursor;
HBRUSH    hbrBackground;
LPCSTR    lpszMenuName;
LPCSTR    lpszClassName;

Which ones do we want? We want to skip a few, and some definitely want to fill out. Let's replace start assigning the fields that we need and remove the ones that we don't:

WNDCLASSA WindowClass = {}; = ; WindowClass.lpfnWndProc = ; WindowClass.hInstance = hInstance; // WindowClass.hIcon; WindowClass.lpszClassName = "HandmadeHeroWindowClass";
 Listing 2: [win32_handmade.cpp] Selecting the Window Class fields that we don't need to have set to 0.

This leaves us with 4, potentially 5 values to set out of 10, the rest are cleared to 0. Let's go back to the couple values we do need to think a bit harder about.


Window Class Style

UINT style is of type UINT, which is defined by Windows to be a 32-bit unsigned integer (a.k.a. unsigned int). You can set it as specified in the Window Class Styles guide. In here, you will find several values which, as many things in Windows by now are there more for legacy support purposes. We are however interested in a couple:

Remember to use MSDN! You won't always remember these things, even the veteran Windows programmers constantly consult with the documentation.

MSDN is your friend; it will tell you what you need to know.

At this point however, we need to verify if all of these options are even relevant anymore in this day and age. Let's put a TODO note so that we can return to at a later stage. It might be an interesting exploration journey at some point, but for now we'll set it aside.

WindowClass.lpfnWndProc = ; WindowClass.hInstance = hInstance; // WindowClass.hIcon; WindowClass.lpszClassName = "HandmadeHeroWindowClass";
 Listing 3: [win32_handmade.cpp] Adding the style options and our first TODO.

Main Window Callback

Now, we have one element remaining: the mysterious lpfnWndProc. What is that? And how would you have known what it was if this guide wasn't here to tell you? Well, here's another example of how MSDN can help you.

If you look at the Members section of WNDCLASSA article, you will see that lpfnWndProc is a “pointer to the window procedure. [...] For more information, see WindowProc.” If you follow the link to the latter, you will see that this new article defines what that procedure is right there, in the Syntax window:

  HWND   hwnd,
  UINT   uMsg,
  WPARAM wParam,
  LPARAM lParam
[MSDN] Signature for a WindowProc function.

As you can see, this is a CALLBACK. The keyword CALLBACK is exactly what it sounds like: Windows calls us back from its code to have us do something for it. And you can see that it gets passed 4 mysterious parameters: an HWND, a UINT, WPARAM and LPARAM. It also returns an LRESULT.

We haven't really dealt with these up until now. Even if we already saw type UINT which is nothing else than a 32-bit unsigned integer, we don't know what it means. We're going to check MSDN and see what all this is, but for now what we do know is that this will be our Main Window Callback, so let's implement it as such in our code. As Windows doesn't care how this function will be called (but only of its signature), we will call it just that, MainWindowCallback.

Make sure to add it outside of our WinMain! And inside the WinMain, we can then “register” it as our lpfnWndProc, which is nothing else than our function name.

LRESULT CALLBACK MainWindowCallback(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { }
int CALLBACK WinMain(...) { //...
WindowClass.lpfnWndProc = MainWindowCallback;
//... }
 Listing 4: [win32_handmade.cpp] Adding our Main Window Callback.

This callback will be called any time Windows needs to send something to a window of this class (our WindowClass) to have it do something.


Refactoring: Rename Variables

There's one sidestep that we'd like to make before we move on.

To make things a bit less cryptic, let's rename all our variables to something more understandbale to us. Thus, our hInstance becomes Instance, lpCmdLine becomes CommandLine, etc.

Unfortunately, we cannot rename Windows struct members, so we'll have to leave them as they are, but we can easily do it for the functions. This is because in C and C++, the function signatures are really only about types. The compiler will only check the type of something you're trying to pass (in case of MainWindowCallback, it's HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM, in this exact sequence). The name of the parameter is up to us, so let's change it to our liking:


MainWindowCallback(HWND Window, UINT Message, WPARAM WParam, LPARAM LParam)
{ } int CALLBACK
WinMain(HINSTANCE Instance, HINSTANCE PrevInstance, LPSTR CommandeLine, int ShowCode)
{ WNDCLASS WindowClass = {}; = CS_OWNDC | CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; WindowClass.lpfnWndProc = MainWindowCallback;
WindowClass.hInstance = Instance;
// WindowClass.hIcon; WindowClass.lpszClassName = "HandmadeHeroWindowClass"; //... }
 Listing 5: [win32_handmade.cpp] Renaming our variables.

Trivia: Hungarian Notation

Older Microsoft's API made use of so-called “Hungarian notation”. The name refers to its inventor's, Charles Simonyi, country of origin, and also hints at a peculiar way of the Hungarians of saying their last name before the first name.

The prefixes and name abbreviations you see here are nothing else that a naming convention adopted when even the space for the source files and variable names was limited, but also to provide clarity to the type this variable brings. Thus, from the name hInstance we can deduce that it's an Instance of type HANDLE, lpCmdLine is a Command Line of type long pointer, etc.

Nowadays, many programmers moved away from these conventions and prefer simple and explicit names for their variables, and leave the types at the variable declarations, and the code follows our personal taste of reading them. You can decide whichever way you prefer.

One thing however that is recommended pretty much universally is: once you choose a style, stick to it in the whole project. It's very difficult to maintain a codebase which is written in different styles and naming conventions, let alone expand it.

If you are interested in reading more, check out this article on Wikipedia.


Process Some Messages

Let's look at the parameters we're getting for our MainWindowCallback (don't forget about MSDN!):

That said, most of these messages will be irrelevant for our project, and even less so now that we're starting. “Animation Control Messages”, “Combo boxes”... Since we are not going to be using Windows hardly at all (we'll be basically opening a window and then doing everything else ourselves), we mostly care about basic window operations. These all fall under the WM category, and we will not need much else.

The list for WM category is still big. To narrow it down even further for now, let's focus entirely on very a few Window Notifications.

In order to process messages, we will be using a switch. If you'd like to learn more, check out the Switch Statements subsection.

MainWindowCallback(HWND Window, 
                   UINT Message,
                   WPARAM WParam,
                   LPARAM LParam)
switch (Message) { case: { } break; default: { // Do something in case of any other message } break; } }
 Listing 6: [win32_handmade.cpp] Getting ready to respond to Windows messages.

The constants which you see, for instance, here, are nothing else than unique numbers identifying that message. So which messages do we want to deal with first?

switch (Message)
case WM_SIZE: { } break; case WM_DESTROY: { } break; case WM_CLOSE: { } break; case WM_ACTIVATEAPP: { } break;
default: { // Do something in case of any other message } break; }
 Listing 7: [win32_handmade.cpp] Defining our first cases.

For now, we are not going to do anything useful inside these cases. We will only output to the debug console when these messages fire. To do that, we're going to call the function OutputDebugStringA.

As you can see from its MSDN article, this function takes simply a LPSTR, a string, as the text to output. We will use it to output the message name and newline symbol (\n). In order to see the message, you should be debugging the program, and the messages will go in the Output window of your debugger.

    case WM_SIZE:
} break; case WM_DESTROY: {
} break; case WM_CLOSE: {
} break; case WM_ACTIVATEAPP: {
} break;
 Listing 8: [win32_handmade.cpp] “Responding” to the first cases.

Get a Result

As it is now, we still won't be able to compile our program. The compiler (and, later, Windows), will expect us to return to whoever called the function a specific parameter of type LRESULT (as it says on its signature). It was a similar case for WinMain, where we returned a 0. As a bit of refresher, here is the signature for a WindowProc:

  HWND   hwnd,
  UINT   uMsg,
  WPARAM wParam,
  LPARAM lParam
[MSDN] Signature for a WindowProc function.

The type LRESULT is simply a return code saying what we did with the message. From its type definition we can further see that it's a Long pointer (i.e. up to 64 bits). Windows will give potentially different meanings to this result, depending on the message that was passed in first place.

How do we know which LRESULT to return when? We look at the documentation, of course! For instance, MSDN tells us that if we deal with WM_CLOSE and process the message, LRESULT should be 0. This is actually true for most cases, so let's initialize our LRESULT to 0 and also return it at the end. If we'll want to change our Result, we'll be able to do so inside a respective message's case block.

MainWindowCallback(HWND Window, 
                   UINT Message,
                   WPARAM WParam,
                   LPARAM LParam)
LRESULT Result = 0;
switch (Message) { //... }
return (Result);
 Listing 9: [win32_handmade.cpp] Defining the LRESULT.

Finally, let's deal with our default case. This is going to be a catch-all for allll those myriads of messages that Windows would decide to throw our way and that we will essentially ignore. In our default case, Result is going to be... whatever Windows decides it to be.

Windows has already defined a default case for each and every message it gives us. So all we need to do is to ask Windows to produce the default result based on our Window, Message, WParam and LParam. To get this default treatment, we need to simply call the function called

In this sense, our function positions itself between Windows and Windows. We say: before this message gets any further, let's see if we are interested in treating it in some way (in this case: is it one of these 4 we care about?). If so, that's it, move along, if not you can deal with it in the manner you see fit. Even more than that: sometimes we will want to do something extra on top of the default treatment a message gets. We will deal with that message and then pass it back to Windows for default process.

The default Windows procedure is actually documented in all the message-related articles on MSDN, and is called DefWindowProc.

  HWND   hWnd,
  UINT   Msg,
  WPARAM wParam,
  LPARAM lParam
[MSDN] Signature for the DefWindowProcA1.

As you can see, this function has the exact same function signature as our MainWindowCallback. The only difference is, instead of being a CALLBACK as we are, it's a WINAPI (which means that we are calling it instead)3. Let's call it in our default case:

    LRESULT Result = 0;

    switch (Message)
Result = DefWindowProc(Window, Message, WParam, LParam);
} break; }
 Listing 10: [win32_handmade.cpp] Calling DefWindowProc.

We're simply passing down the same parameters we were passed. We don't care what they mean and what they are, we just pass them along. Our task will be to figure out a response to the messages we chose.

We now have a (very barebones) callback function. let's quickly compile to ensure that we compile successfully.

A subdirectory or file build already exists. Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version ##.##.##### for x64 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. win32_handmade.cpp Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version ##.##.#####.# Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. /out:win32_handmade.exe /debug win32_handmade.obj user32.lib W:\handmade\> _
[Command Prompt] Compiling... Success!

If you aren't getting a successful compile right away, try to go back until you reach your last successful compile to understand something you might have missed.


Register the WindowClass

We're almost ready of opening our window using our WindowClass, but before we can do it, we need to register the latter. It's as easy as calling a function may be. The function in question is called RegisterClassA. It takes a pointer to a WNDCLASS structure and... that's it.

If you'd like to learn more about the pointers, check out subsection 8.4.

    // WinMain
    WindowClass.lpszClassName = "HandmadeHeroWindowClass";
 Listing 11: [win32_handmade.cpp] Registering the class.


If you look in the syntax of RegisterClassA function, you will see that it returns an ATOM. Nowadays it's a mostly obsolete type that is used to create windows and in a small bunch of other functions. Even there, this use is purely optional.

In fact, an atom table is a “system-defined table that stores strings” and their IDs. An ATOM is just that, an ID of that can be converted to a string.

If you are interested in learning more, check out this article on MSDN.

Registering RegisterClass could fail, and in that case it will return 0. It's highly improbable, it almost never happens, but it might happen. Let's ensure that 0 is not returned to us before we proceed. We will use it by putting the RegisterClass function as the criteria of an if statement. If the value is not 0, we continue the program; if it is, we simply exit.

As for the case when it fails? In the future we might create an advanced logging system to report the error, so let's leave a TODO for it:

if (RegisterClassA(&WindowClass))
{ // Window Class Registration successful, the rest of our WinMain // the rest of our WinMain } else { // Window Class Registration failed // TODO(casey): Logging }
 Listing 12: [win32_handmade.cpp] Registering the class and checking if it was successul.

Create a Window

So now we're finally getting to today's objective! Let's create a window! The function responsible for it is called... CreateWindow. There are two versions of it: an old version, CreateWindowA, and a newer version?. The only difference is that Ex function allows to specify more window style options. Let's go for the latter.

HWND CreateWindowExA(
  DWORD     dwExStyle,
  LPCSTR    lpClassName,
  LPCSTR    lpWindowName,
  DWORD     dwStyle,
  int       X,
  int       Y,
  int       nWidth,
  int       nHeight,
  HWND      hWndParent,
  HMENU     hMenu,
  HINSTANCE hInstance,
  LPVOID    lpParam
[MSDN] CreateWindowExA syntax.

Wow, that's a lot of parameters! But they are all quite straightforward, we'll go through them one by one.

This function returns a HWND, a handle to the created window. We will need it for other things, so let's store it in a variable Window.

If you filled out everything correctly, you should have something similar:

    if (RegisterClassA(&WindowClass))
HWND Window = CreateWindowExA(0, WindowClass.lpszClassName, "Handmade Hero", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, 0, Instance, 0);
 Listing 13: [win32_handmade.cpp] Creating our window.

We can compress all this a bit to look better:

    if (RegisterClassA(&WindowClass))
HWND Window = CreateWindowExA(0, WindowClass.lpszClassName, "Handmade Hero", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, 0, Instance, 0);
 Listing 14: [win32_handmade.cpp] Creating our window.

Try compiling quickly to see if you missed something. If compile fails, it means you added one too much or one too many parameters.

Similarly to RegisterClassA, should in some hypothetical circumstance CreateWindowExA fail, it will also return 0. Let's add another check to ensure that our Window handle is valid.

        if (RegisterClassA(&WindowClass))
            HWND Window = CreateWindowExA(...);
if (Window) { // Window creation successful! } else { // Window Creation failed! // TODO(casey): Logging }
} else { // Window Class Registration failed // TODO(casey): Logging }
 Listing 15: [win32_handmade.cpp] Ensuring our window handle is valid.


Some programmers prefer being more explicit and writing something along the lines of if (Window != NULL) instead. There's no real reason for it, and you can simply write as we do. While such a comparison would yield us a boolean value, in C true and false are defined simply as 1 and 0, respectively.


Window Message Queue

Now, if you compile and run your program, you will see that the window quickly blinks in and out of existence. This is exactly what you told it to do: Create window, check if it exists.... and return 0 out of WinMain. At this point, Windows considers your program complete, cleans everything up and closes your window.

Because we want our window to exist more than a fraction of a second, we need a so-called message loop. We will induce our window to be always open and read Windows' messages until one of them simply doesn't tell the window to close, or we break out of that loop.

In order to read the messages, we need to pull it from a Windows system called Windows Message Queue. It works the following way: when a window is created, it also sets up a queue for itself which starts to be filling up with all sorts of messages. These may be sent by Windows or anyone else who uses the Windows system. Our task would be to loop through this message queue, extract all the messages and read them.

For today, we can use the GetMessage function. This function allows us to pull the messages off our queue and process them.

If there're no messages in the queue, the program will simply sit there and wait for new messages to come. This is not very convenient for the games, where things happen even if there's no messages coming up from the operating system.

We will change this once we are ready to animate our game.

BOOL GetMessage(
  LPMSG lpMsg,
  HWND  hWnd,
  UINT  wMsgFilterMin,
  UINT  wMsgFilterMax
MSDN GetMessage Syntax

As you can see, GetMessage returns a BOOL (i.e. true or false) and takes four parameters:

if (Window)
MSG Message; GetMessage(&Message, 0, 0, 0);
} else { // Window Creation failed! // TODO(casey): Logging }
 Listing 16: [win32_handmade.cpp] Ensuring our window handle is valid.

MSG is another Windows structure. We won't look closely into it today, but feel free to learn more here.

This program will exit as fast as the previous one because we still don't have a loop. Luckily, GetMessage itself can help us out here. If we look at the documentation, we can see that “If the function retrieves a message other than WM_QUIT, the return value is nonzero. If the function retrieves the WM_QUIT message, the return value is zero.”

This means that, if we put GetMessage as a test condition in a while loop, this program will run forever, until someone posts a “quit” message to the queue (and it gets retrieved by GetMessage).


To learn more about the while and for loops, check out the Loops subsection.

if (Window)
    MSG Message;
while(GetMessage(&Message, 0, 0, 0))
{ // process message and go get another message } // Exit procedures
} else { // Window Creation failed! // TODO(casey): Logging }
 Listing 17: [win32_handmade.cpp] Ensuring our window handle is valid.

If you read the documentation carefully, you'll notice that it explicitly recommends against doing the while loop the way we did it. The reason for it is that Windows' BOOL may return any number, not only true or false, including −1 in case of invalid window handle.

While this is not the way we will implement our message loop in the future anyway, and this code will be replaced by the more robust code that better suits our needs, for the sake of correctness, if you want to make use of GetMessage in your code, you may use the example provided in the documentation, or a construct such as this one:

for(;;) // a for loop which would run forever { MSG Message; BOOL MessageResult = GetMessage(&Message, 0, 0, 0); if (MessageResult > 0) // 0 is the WM_QUIT message, -1 is invalid window handle { // Do work in your window } else { break; // break out of the loop } }
// Exit procedures
 Listing 18: [win32_handmade.cpp] API-correct way of verifying GetMessage.

Translating and Dispatching Messages

We're still not out of the woods yet. If you'll try to compile and debug the program, you will notice that it runs forever, even if you try to close it (the only way to stop it would be to stop debugging). That's... not exactly what we had in mind, right? Well, that's fine, this is due to the fact that hitting Alt-F4 or the red X button doesn't create a WM_QUIT message, but WM_CLOSE. And we're basically ignoring this message by replacing its default behaviour with an OutputDebugStringA call (see Subsection ?).

However, if you try to resize the program, or minimize the window, it doesn't react to your inputs at all. Moreover, if you check the Output window in your debugger, you will only notice a single WM_ACTIVATEAPP and WM_SIZE message (and more WM_ACTIVATESIZE messages if you switch in and out of the window). We don't get additional WM_SIZE messages if we try to resize the window, or any WM_CLOSE messages at all!

Debugging new process...[OK] Process ID: #####
[Output window]

This is because we don't do anything with our messages (and the messages that do come through to our MainWindowCallback aren't sent by our window). We simply pul them out of the queue and... discard them. In order to send the messages to our MainWindowCallback (and then to DefWindowProc), we need to dispatch our message. The Windows command to do that is called simply DispatchMessageA.

LRESULT DispatchMessageA(
  const MSG *lpMsg
[MSDN] DispatchMessageA syntax

As you can see, the syntax for DispatchMessageA is super simple, it only takes a pointer to the message. Moreover, we're not interested in the LRESULT this function returns so we can simply discard it. Let's plug it in our message loop:

MSG Message;
BOOL MessageResult = GetMessage(&Message, 0, 0, 0);
if (MessageResult > 0)
 Listing 19: [win32_handmade.cpp] Adding DispatchMessageA.

We might try to call MainWindowCallback ourselves, however this is generally considered not a good idea. Windows expects the control flow to be in a specific shape, and it's better not to go against this set of things.

While we're at it, we can add another useful function called TranslateMessage. It has nearly identical syntax except it returns a BOOL:

BOOL TranslateMessage(
  const MSG *lpMsg
[MSDN] TranslateMessage syntax

This function doesn't have a purpose right now, but might be useful later. It's used to “translate” Windows virtual key character codes to actual char symbols, and post the result as a new message to the queue. Let's add it before our DispatchMessageA call:

MSG Message;
BOOL MessageResult = GetMessage(&Message, 0, 0, 0);
if (MessageResult > 0)
DispatchMessageA(&Message); }
 Listing 20: [win32_handmade.cpp] Adding TranslateMessage.

We'll talk more about virtual keyboard input once we get to our input system.

So there you have it! Your barebones window. It's not pretty, it cannot be closed unless you force it from the debugger (Shift-F5) or the Task Manager, but you can rezise it, minimize and maximize it!

Figure 2. Your blank canvas, to build your worlds in.

Additionally, if you inspect your Output window you will see a great many messages sent by resize and close messages. We will never, however, get a WM_DESTROY message because it will come from someone trying to forcefully close our window, or if we call it ourselves.


Drawing Something to Our Window

Let's have some fun. As of now, your window doesn't have any defined contents, so it might start white, black, “transparent”, or whatever else way Windows decides. Resizing it also randomly changes its contents. Instead, let's try and give our window some specific color.

We're going to do it by securing a special path for the WM_PAINT message inside our MainWindowCallback. We are also going to make use of the Device Context that we secured for ourselves during the class registration, as well as the workflow Windows intended us to use for painting. This workflow intends us using the BeginPaint and the EndPaint functions, PAINTSTRUCT structure, as well as the use of various “brushes”.

If you're interested in the whole process, check out this article on MSDN.

HDC BeginPaint(
  HWND          hWnd,

BOOL EndPaint(
  HWND                hWnd,
  const LPPAINTSTRUCT *lpPaint
[MSDN] BeginPaint and EndPaint syntax.

As you can see, BeginPaint returns a handle to one of those Device Contexts. We may should store it for painting. Both BeginPaint and EndPaint take window handle and a apointer to a PAINTSTRUCT. The latter is a set of parameters that Windows fills out in BeginPaint, containing some useful information like rcPaint (rectangle where we can paint), fErase (a boolean saying whether or not we paint or erase), etc.

        // ...
    } break;
case WM_PAINT: { PAINTSTRUCT Paint; HDC DeviceContext = BeginPaint(Window, &Paint); // Do our painting here EndPaint(Window, &Paint); } break;
default: // ...
 Listing 21: [win32_handmade.cpp] Defining custom paint workflow.

In here, we can get as extravagant as we want to. Since we've done a lot already today, and we aren't going to make use of this system moving forward, let's use a simple call to PatBlt (“Pat Blit”). This is a super simple function, allowing us to fill out a rectangle with a specified color or pattern.

BOOL PatBlt(
  HDC   hdc,
  int   x,
  int   y,
  int   w,
  int   h,
  DWORD rop
[MSDN] PatBlt syntax.

So where we can get the x, y, w and h? We have our PAINTSTRUCT with plenty useful information, including the RECT of the painting area. As you can see from documentation, RECT structure contains a left, top, right, and bottom. This gives us immediately x and y, while Width and Height can be obtained by simply subtracting right from left, and bottom from top:

    case WM_PAINT:
        PAINTSTRUCT Paint;
        HDC DeviceContext = BeginPaint(Window, &Paint);
int X = Paint.rcPaint.left; int Y =; int Width = Paint.rcPaint.right - Paint.rcPaint.left; int Height = Paint.rcPaint.bottom -; PatBlt(DeviceContext, X, Y, Width, Height, WHITENESS);
EndPaint(Window, &Paint); } break;
 Listing 22: [win32_handmade.cpp] PatBlt

We compile... and get a LNK2019 error: unresolved external symbol ....PatBlt. If you remember Day1 you should have the exact solution for it in mind.

Take a second looking for solution yourself before scrolling further down!

If we inspect better the documentation for PatBlt, we will quickly see that it requires Gdi32.lib library. That's simple, let's add it in our build.bat!

cl -Zi ..\code\win32_handmade.cpp user32.lib gdi32.lib
 Listing 23: [build.bat] Linking with gdi32.lib.

“Animating” the Window

Epilepsy Warning

WARNING: This section contains code which may potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy.

As you remember from its documentation, PatBlt allows us to set our window to WHITENESS or to BLACKNESS. Let's alternate between the two each time we process WM_PAINT message!

Let's assign our PatBlt operation (which is a DWORD type) to a variable, similar to how we assigned X, Y, Width and Height before using them. However, we will do one thing differently and mark the variable as static:

HDC DeviceContext = BeginPaint(Window, &Paint);
int X = Paint.rcPaint.left;
int Y =;
int Width = Paint.rcPaint.right - Paint.rcPaint.left;
int Height = Paint.rcPaint.bottom -;
static DWORD Operation = WHITENESS;
PatBlt(DeviceContext, X, Y, Width, Height, Operation);
EndPaint(Window, &Paint);
 Listing 24: [win32_handmade.cpp] Extracting operation to a variable.

static keyword and the scope

In C/C++, static is actually quite a confusing keyword: it has three meanings depending on the context. We will return to its definitions more in detailed in the next chapter.

In this particular case, by marking Operation as static, it will be declared only once for the whole duration of the program. Only on the first time you step into WM_PAINT the Operation will be initialized, after that the application will skip the initialization step and will remember its previous value.

In our case, Operation will be initialized to WHITENESS only once, the rest of the times we can return and swap its current value to its opposite, like so:

static DWORD Operation = WHITENESS;
if (Operation == WHITENESS) { Operation = BLACKNESS; } else { Operation = WHITENESS; }
PatBlt(DeviceContext, X, Y, Width, Height, Operation); EndPaint(Window, &Paint);
 Listing 25: [win32_handmade.cpp] Changing Operation at every pass.

Assign vs. Equal to operators

Note that == and = mean totally different things in C/C++.

It's a common beginner error inserting = instead of == in the if statement and producing all sorts of errors as a result.

Epilepsy Warning

WARNING: This section may potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy. You may want to skip observing the results and call it a day here.

If you compile and run the program now, you will see the window change color each time the window is resized. If you bring it closer to the border, you will notice it's only repainting the portions which were previously hidden.



And there you have it! Opening a window is some great progress and, if you look back, it's not that much of code. We set up our own Window Class; additionally, we started laying the ground work of our main window callback. Finally, we were in position to open our window and we immediately started drawing some crazy stuff into it.

Next time, we will be defining the MainWindowCallback messages a bit more appropriately, as well as create a bitmap which we will then display to our window. This will bring us to the point where we can actually render our game.

 1 We briefly touched on ...A and ...W notation in Day 1. To recap, any function that takes a string as input has an Ansi and a Wide (Unicode) version, and a macro decides which function to call. Here, you can use the macro WNDCLASS or the ANSI/Wide version, as you prefer.

 4 It's not entirely true though, depending on the sizing of the elements in the struct some additional padding may be introduced to preserve memory alignment. We will look into the alignment later down the line.

 2 See also some additional methods to pass parameters to function here.

 3 The only difference between the two is their calling convention. For MSVC calling conventions, you can read more here.




Intercept More Messages

Try to look around the message lists. See if you find some of your liking; then add the relevant case to your switch statement, add a debug line and try to have it go off during your program execution. Try to see if you can do something with the data they might bring.


Custom Window Options

Right now, we are letting Windows used default size and position of our Window. What if you put some actual values into it? Does CreateWindowEx operate as you would expect it to?

Try adding some different styles to dwStyle. See what results does it bring you.


Programming Basics


Concerning typedefs

As you can see, WNDCLASS (or, to be precise, WNDCLASSA) is a C struct, with some interesting decoration. Let's look at it more closely.

struct dim
    int Width;
    int Height;

dim ScreenDimension;
[Example 1] In C++, if we declare a struct, we can start using it right away by its name.

struct dim
    int Width;
    int Height;

       dim ScreenDimension;  // error C2065: 'dim': undeclared identifier
                             // error C2065: 'ScreenDimension': undeclared identifier

struct dim ScreenDimension;  // OK
[Example 2] In C, each struct must be marked as such in your code.

struct dim {...};

typedef struct dim dim_t;

struct dim ScreenDimension;  // OK
dim_t OtherDimension;        // Also OK
[Example 3] In this case, we define “struct dim” as a type “dim_t”.

struct dim {...};

typedef struct dim dim, *pDim, twoDim[2];               // typedef 3 types in one call

dim ADimension;
pDim PointerToDim = &ADim;                              // take the address of our dim and store it as pDim. * not necessary!
twoDim DoubleDimension = { ADimension, ADimension };    // take two dims and store it in twoDim array type. 

// etc., etc.
[Example 4] typedefs can get very complex and silly very quickly.

typedef struct tagWNDCLASSA {
...; // contents of the struct

// WNDCLASSA WindowClass; -> struct tagWNDCLASSA WindowClass;
// PWNDCLASSA WindowClass; -> struct tagWNDCLASSA *WindowClass;
// NPWNDCLASSA WindowClass; -> struct tagWNDCLASSA *WindowClass;
// LPWNDCLASSA WindowClass; -> struct tagWNDCLASSA *WindowClass;
[MSDN] Window Class structure syntax, hopefully clarified`.

Trivia: Old pointer types

At this point, you have probably noticed that WNDCLASSA comes with not one, but with three pointer types. In fact, there's *P... (pointer), *NP... (near pointer) and *LP... (long, or far pointer). At this point, this is an anachronistic residual of a 16-bit era of MS-DOS, which became obsolete with the advent of 80386 Intel processors in 1985. If you're still interested, further reading is available here.

For all intents and purpuses on a modern 32-bit+ operating system, they are the same type, a pointer to WINCLASSA structure.

Another note: struct identifier shouldn't necessarily be different from one of its types (i.e. it can be simply typedef struct WNDCLASSA.... instead of tagWNDCLASSA) or even be there (typedef struct {...} WNDCLASSA, ...;). The way Windows headers do it is somewhat the more explicit way, supposedly to support some old compiler.

(Continue following along: Subsection 1.1)


Struct Initialization

Let's look at the braces {} we provided in subsection 1.1.

A variable must not necessarily be initialized. You can simply declare it (like this: int x;, WNDCLASSA WindowClass, etc.) and move on, if that is your intention. However, what if we want to initialize a variable to a value? In case of a simple type, you just write its initial value after = (in the example above, int x = 5;). In case of a struct, you can use the values inside the braces (i.e. WNDCLASSA WindowClass = { MyStyle, "Hello" };, etc.). The elements that you don't assign value to, all the elements onwards, are set to 0. If you simply assign it {}, you zero out the whole struct, however big it is.

We want to do this here, because a) it's more readable to see which value you assing to which element, and b) because we don't even need to fill out all the elements.

In C, you should use {0} instead of {}, but {0} can also be used in C++.

(Back to Subsection 1.1)


Switch Statements

The switch statement allows to test if a variable we get equals any constant value. If it does, you apply a relevant case to it.

Remember that by executing the case you don't automatically fall out of the switch! You need to use the break statement in order to not keep executing all the cases that follow.

If no value falls under a specific case, you can specify a default to execute if every other fails.

The way we are going to write switch statements in this course might seem a bit unusual if you've seen these statements elsewhere because each case statement is limited by a basic block (delimited by braces ({})). While this is not required, it allows defining variables specific to that case, and they will not “spill” outside to another case. This is due to the fact that, after you close your block, you go outside of those variables' scope and they cease to exist. break will go just outside the block, again in a mix of a convention, convenience and practicality.

(Back to Subsection 2.2)



Every variable, function, struct, everything in computer has a location in memory, its address. This address is nothing more than a number that, as any other number in C, may be manipulated with ease. To get something's address, or a pointer to something, you simply put the ampersand symbol (&) before a variable's name. To learn the contents of an address (“dereference a pointer”), you simply put a star operator (*) before the pointer in question.

There's a lot more to know about the pointers, and this course will certainly touch a lot on this subject.

For a more in-depth overview on pointers, you can watch the short series Intro to C where this topic is covered in detail.

For our purposes, to pass a pointer to our WindowClass, we simply write &WindowClass.



There're many ways to create a “loop”, or to repeat execution of a chunk of code. Two common ways to implement a loop is to use while or for keywords.

A while loop has one condition which is being tested at the beginning of the loop. If the test is true, the program will execute the code inside and immidiately return to test again. If the test is false, the program will skip the while block and continue after the scope of the statement.

A for loop is an iteration loop. Usually it's used the following way: initialize a variable i; compare if i is smaller than some value; increment i and go into loop if true, otherwise break out. All this is compactly represented at the head of the loop as follows:

for (int i = 0; i < SomeValue; ++i)
// do your operations

However, strictly speaking you don't have to fill out the head parts, all or any. And if you leave it as (;;) this loop will simply run forever, unless some other condition inside it breaks it out. In the same way, a while (1) or while (true) loop will also run forever.

(Back to Subsection 4.1)



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MSG structure








Windows Data Types

Windows Message Queue

formatted by Markdeep 1.10